Growing your business begins by growing yourself in all facets of life

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EO Shanghai supports your business knowledge development, and leadership growth all the way to expanding your horizons as an outstanding individual in your community.
EO members can expect to grow beyond their limits through our curated learning programs for entrepreneurs. You’ll be growing alongside fellow entrepreneurs who believe personal and business growth should go hand-in-hand. Grow your business knowledge from world-renowned business leaders and keynote speakers. Grow as a person as we bring once-in-a-lifetime experiences that propel you out of your comfort zone.
"It’s not about what I have learnt in EO, it’s who I have become because of EO. I have picked up things, like a culture of leaning, to have growth mindset, to be very bold in doing things, to be very intentional."
George Gan
EO Master Trainer, founder and CEO of Hitechniaga, Commerce Dot Com, Clapper Technology, and Silicon&Sand
Grow Alongside World-Class Leaders & Experts
Business Specific Learning Events
From strategy, execution, digital transformation all the way to scaling up.

Past Topics:

  • Localizing innovation
  • China’s employment law
  • Personality profiles
  • Branding strategy
  • Positive Intelligence
  • Mastering M&A and more!
Leadership Experience
Your opportunity to lead other high-calibre leaders on your shared journey towards personal & business growth.

Community Leadership Roles:

  • Forum Moderators
  • Board members
  • Regional roles
Leadership Mentor Programs
Grow alongside a leader who has walked the same path as you to reach your business goals.

Your chance to learn from:

  • Subject matter experts
  • Business leaders
  • Fellow entrepreneurs